Our mind is one of the most powerful part of our being. The part of us responsible for our cognition and thus, for how we act.
The mind plays a mental role in guiding us to know how to to behave but at times it accumulates thoughts that are harmful, thoughts that aren’t letting us move forward.
Every once in awhile, it’s imperative that we get in touch with ourselves mindfully, through yoga or spending lone time in order to dissect some of these thoughts and sort them out into their respective categories.
You may have been bearing a grudge against a person, group of people or the world, for one thing you feel offended by them about or you may have buried a part of you that used to be so vibrant or you may have made a declaration too suddenly about something you ought not to have.
Whatever it is, if it’s been a while now and it’s not serving you, it’s time to dispose of them, it’s time to empty your thoughts and zero your mind just like you do garbage cans you’ve accumulated wastes on — and move on.
Zeroing your mind sets a new pace and space for you to start afresh. It exercises your agility to deal with what life comes with and the ability to maintain your sense of self afterward. Zeroing your mind isn’t giving up, it’s more about reformation which every living soul needs once in a while.
Give yourself time to recover and start again but be mindful of what the mind gets fed on as it remains a powerful part of us that will always guide us on what next.