You Can Reset Your Buttons Anytime Through These Numerous Means
Flow like water
Change is the only thing constant in life. I’m sure you’ve heard of this oxymoron way of expressing new implementations in your life in your personal growth and development journey (if you’re on one).
But what we often left amiss is that a New Year isn't the only time to effect these changes. There are numerous opportunities to reset our buttons and start afresh.
But before going there, I’d like to uphold the importance of resetting oneself.
Resetting is an essential part of living which helps you grow, develop and mature by either correcting your past ways or adding to them to bolster your lifestyle.
Resetting one’s button is relieving, considering that human beings always have the need to either make amends or have a fresh start — as fallible in nature as we are.
But certain platitudes, in terms of spoken words, action or belief, have conditioned our minds to believe that resetting our buttons has to be a tough tug. But it doesn’t. Whether it’s by finding the chance or doing the actual resetting, we must be aware that reset our buttons can happen in many ways than we already know.
Some of these ways are through
Whenever we come to God in prayers, we are renewing our spirit, soul, and body.
We’re telling him that we believe enough in him, we want to connect with him and we want him to accept our sacrifice of prayers, praise and thanksgiving.
Whenever you pray or connect to a higher being, you’ll feel your energy shift. That is you getting reset.
New day/week/month/year
A new day is a new dawn.
A new day is a new dawn for a number of reasons. It means we’ve gone through six-to-seven-to eight hours of unconscious bliss in the form of sleep and awoke. The same type of sleep others unfortunately can’t get, or get easily, or awake from afterward.
So waking up to a new day is such a big deal. Beholding a new week, month and year in series is the biggest deal. That’s why it serves as a good template to reset our buttons always through acknowledging them with gratitude for instance.
Change of environment
You’re the average of the five people you associate with says Jim Rohn
Imagine you moved from a toxic place of living and started dwelling in a stress-free toxic free place. It alleviates the mood and diminishes the symptoms of heartache and unhealthy patterns you picked in defending yourself with.
In this sense, and many more, you can understand how a change of environment (city, street, house, country), has a tremendous impact on your lifestyle and well-being by resetting you.
Setting up a family
When you’ve move to a new place with new people, it elicits a resetting.
Getting married (or not) and setting up a family of your own sure has a way of resetting your mind and entire being to this new phase of your life.
This makes better sense in consideration to the many roles you start to play as a family person. Either as a wife/husband plus as as sister/brother-in-law, friend-in law, as a mother or father etc.
Their responsibilities reset you. You can no longer be the way or outrightly think like you used to before assuming those roles. Because when you’ve moved to a new place, with new people, it’s resetting.
Having a child
Bringing forth a human being into the world gives you supernatural powers and resets you thus
I had to differentiate having a child from the point mentioned above simply because it’s a whole different level of resetting.
Becoming a parent is the most marvelous thing. Talking about serving as a vessel to convey a living being to earth. The incomprehensible process to that effect automatically resets the way you think. You suddenly go from halting people-pleasing, unhealthy lifestyles, appearing weak, being a slug and co-dependent to becoming a bad ass, productive role model living according to your own terms.
And to that bid continues to grant you supernatural powers through your instincts to raise that new soul up to par (at least) forever.
Change of tribe
There’s no feeling better than having your own people.
Even as a loner, one of the best things that can happen to you is having the people to relate with that are on the same wavelength as you, mentality wise when you finally step out of your comfort zone.
This tribe of people get you, love you, embrace you just the way you are — no matter the craze. They’re like the poles that never deflect regardless of what you come with. If you are sad, they’d try to understand you might need some company or lone time, when you lash out they validate what might be contributing to such act. They’re your bone of bones and you don’t even have to be romantically linked with them.
This, on its own, resets you. And there’s no better feeling out there than that.
Every pain has a purpose.
The trauma you go through has a way of resetting your spirit, soul and mind more than you know. That is because pain felt in the deepest realms such as the spirit for example are the kinds you experience when you pass the a trauma. The shock reverberates beyond the physical realm and triggers a instant reset or change that may last for a long period of time depending on what.
Every pain has a purpose, so it’s understandable how resetting of your buttons through this means is very likely. It’s telling you it’s time to change to accommodate what you’ve just received.
Episodes come and go, but a change occurs each time
Another symptomatic version of a trauma is having episodes. For each bout of episode you go through, it’s teaching you something you didn’t know from before. It’s either doing this, or reiterating the lessons you’re yet to learn from the last one. Whatever is the case, episodes come and go, but a reset button is pushed each time for a new era.
Being kind to yourself allows you to see what you couldn’t have seen and correct.
Self-compassion is one of the greatest tools to navigate difficult emotions. This is you telling yourself all the nice things you’d say to a loved one who’s passing through the same. This means being kind to yourself devoid of what has happened.
Self-compassion is the key to resetting your mind as it allows you to kindly evaluate yourself and come out of what is holding you back. It’s a means to a good end because you get to validate your emotions and try harder next time.
This in effect, being kind to yourself course/corrects you in a healthy way, and resets you.
It’s somewhat easy (not so easy) to write about resetting one’s buttons and the importance, but it’s hard to practice. But that’s only when we look at it as a onetime opportunity, perhaps during a New Year’s Eve. Resetting your buttons cannot wait all the way to the end of the year to occur once. It’s a long hard wait.
There are many ways to reset and renew your physical, spiritual, mental and emotional self. And that can be achieved through prayers, a new day/week/month/year, change of environment, setting up a family, having a child, change of tribe, through trauma, their episodes afterward, and lastly, self-compassion.
If you open your mind to this numerous opportunities to resetting your buttons, you’ll be born again everyday and that’s the most refreshing way to live — as fallible and highly self-critical as we can be as humans.
Press that reset button now. And Good Luck too.
I am a strong advocate of change. I allow everything teach me something and actively change me for good. Some of my favorite topics surround personal growth and development. If you’d like to learn more with me as I partake on this journey, subscribe to my page. We won’t miss a thing.