There’re certain attributes attached to communication when compared to talking.
Communicating with someone is usually deeper than just talking to them. It comes with understanding what the situation on the ground is, it comes with understanding how to express that feeling or another thing you have in mind, it comes with the ability to listen and pay attention to what you’re about to say, what you already said and what the responder has to say.
Communication is always a two-way thing.
Communication normally involves more than you, most times with another person or group of people whereas talking, most times is a selfish approach. Communication dissipates information clearly no matter how hard it is or huge the crowd is, whereas a talk doesn’t necessarily gather more than one person to a meeting. Communication is easy to understand and effected from the angle of the listener/responder as opposed to talking which is essentially what it is — talk.
A talk can appear more fickle and hence, easily forgotten.
Communication though needs patience and endurance to calculate your words and how best to deliver them whereas a talk can be given at the spur of the moment. Communication says a lot about who you are as a person. It depicts you as a careful, calculating, self-aware person (when it’s assertive) as opposed to a talker who only enjoys hearing the sound of their voice while they chatter through and ultimately, deplete their precious time and that of the person still begrudgingly facing them.
With all these said, be mindful of how you choose to deliver your words.
Choose to communicate rather than talk. It’s relieving as well.