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In life, it’s not really always about what you possess but also about how well you maintain it. What would be the point of acquiring more and more of something when you do not have the capacity to maintain them? What’s the point of needing something on a “Z” level when you haven’t maintained it on an “A” level?
Maintenance answers a lot of questions that have to deal with our cognitions; that is, the quality of our minds down to our personalities and characteristics.
When we’re able to maintain what we’ve got, we are saying that we’re not afraid to have more because we’re capable it will be long-lasting but when we’re not capable of maintaining something, it extensively says a lot about us and the said thing.
Maintenance is the ability to duly ensure the keeping up of the quality of what we have, whether animate or inanimate. This has to do with continuance/preservation/conservation synonymously; but first, it has to do with valuing it and hence, creating time for it.
Maintenance of Anything Starts with Having Value for it
The word treasure comes from the innermost place in our hearts where we genuinely appreciate something. So it’s safe to say that in order to treasure something, you must first value it and to be able to value something means that it matches what your utmost desires are; be it physically, financially or mentally, its time of emergence or other. Whatever may be the case, it means that when you have value for something, no matter what, you’ll constantly see the need to keep up with it hence, maintenance. It could be that beautiful family heirloom, ornament or artwork hung up on the wall or that puppy you got as a gift you can’t stop caring for and taking everywhere with you. Maintaining these come from a place of gratitude that you own them and to ensure you do not lose them.
Maintenance Shows How Grateful You Are
As I initially stated, when you feel the need to maintain some thing, it normally comes from a place of gratitude, for having earned/owned it in the first place. You’re grateful that finally, you have a family, house, job, friend or life itself of your own. The manner with which you regard something given to you; freely or not, explains your level of gratitude in totality. Therefore, not seeing the need to maintain something may be equated to simply not being grateful that you own or have it in the first place and this level of nonchalance leads to a degree of deteriorations ultimately to the loss of it.
Maintenance is a Measure to Whether You Deserve More or Not
The more you maintain, the more deserving you are for more
What’s the rationale behind the need for a car when you haven’t properly managed a motorcycle?
What’s the rationale behind the quest for a new relationship with someone else when you haven’t even established one with yourself?
Again, when you value something, you display the gratitude for having them. This triggers the need to maintain it which invariably makes you deserving for more of its kind or an upgrade. In essence, the manner at which you regard things and maintain them at their preliminary stages will determine not only how long they will last but also boosts your confidence in your capability to go for more. This spans across all walks of life be it as an entrepreneur starting up something to an established businessman to a conglomerate OR love life as a single person to heading into a relationship to a family man/woman.
Maintaining each stage no matter how little, is fundamental to how far it’ll progress and vice-versa.
Hence, the more you maintain, the more deserving you are for more
Maintenance of Anything Starts with You
Before you can maintain something, you must maintain you first
It’s simple.
You cannot give what you do not have.
Projecting maintenance towards anything means that your thoughts are both collective and recollective. The former means you are mentally organized in seeing the need to maintain whereas the latter means the same but also plays more crucial role towards achieving optimum maintenance. Because it’s always harder to continue to maintain something as opposed to starting it, recollective thoughts or state of mind means that you will always remember the value, feel the gratitude to and hence, purpose of maintaining something you already started. But this mindset cannot be achieved when you’re constantly clogged up with distractions or unwillingness to therefore, the mind ought to be unclogged and stable enough to process what’s needful to do/not and when. Maintaining this state of mind within you will allows you project maintenance to various other things outside you such as finance, career, relationship and other life thrives.
It starts with you
Before maintaining something, you must maintain you first.
Maintenance Deals with Consistency Which Brings Forth Momentum
When you develop a habit, it takes good maintenance and practice of that habit from time to time to transition into consistency. Little inconsistent consistent steps will then help build the required force needed to achieve greater results or goals. To recapitulate, it starts with you, the mindset, then developing the habit/strategy (name it) down to the desire to maintain it which becomes consistent and overtime, builds the momentum to attain greater heights.
What am I trying to say?
Maintenance deals with preserving something owned or earned in order to elongate its life span and savor it in-between. It It helps to analyze both your level of gratitude with what you currently possess and life generally. It helps to prove the quality of your mental state or capability of maintaining something no matter how little, making you deserving of more. It’s imperative for personal life, career/work life, love life, financial developments and other life related aspects.
But these are unattainable without first getting your thoughts right and organized and acknowledging the value for what you intend to maintain. Because these and more will improve your capabilities (confidence) to handle any more similar or upgraded versions of things that you come across whether animate or inanimate, expensive or not. Once you develop this mindset, time becomes less of a bone of contention for maintenance because it is already of the essence to you.
Maintaining something at the primary stage means you are ready for its multiplication at any time whereas not inculcating maintenance at any level proves you are unwilling to upgrade hence, subtraction. And it won’t be anyone’s decisions or fault but yours.
What’s it going to be? Would you rather choose maintenance of what you already got or to keep acquiring, hoarding and/or losing?