There are different meanings to what love is depending on each individual. But another essential point is determining what love can make you do, because in there lies the true meaning of what love is to you.
To love somebody, first of all, requires you to surrender. Surrendering in a form that lets you shed the old form of you for a new, and hopefully, better one. To surrender essentially means non-resistance to the ingredients and virtues it takes to sustain a good relationship.
To love sometimes also means to be afraid
Since you have to totally learn to be in someone else’s life as they are in yours.
To love means you hurt
Because when you open your heart and body to someone else, you somewhat lose the total control over what might happen to them.
To love means to openness to disagreements
There are many times where fights and arguments abound. And the only thing you left feeling for someone whom you love, at that point, is the nuanced version. You can‘t dislike whom you didn’t like in the first place.
To love means to accommodate
And acceptance precedes accommodation. When you can accept someone, it becomes easier to accommodate them. Which is also a sign of tolerating them. Love will make you condone your worst pet peeves.
To love means to love
Sometimes all it really takes to love is love and get on with the relationship. Taking it one step at a time. One act of surrendering at a time. One hurt at a time. One forgiveness at a time. One dislike at a time. One act of tolerance at a time. Until you’re left with no option but to love ALL the time.
Good luck in your quest of finding your own unique meaning of love and loving too.