Criticism has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantage usually stems from the need to evaluate yourself and determine whether or not you are on the right track; be it professionally, academically or behaviorally- whereas its disadvantages come from excess indulgence/or dwelling on the negative aspects/or comments hence, stunted growth. It takes a well-meaning person to give a constructive criticism but it takes an even more self-aware, open-minded and success hungry person to overlook the negative and absorb the constructive criticism in all ramifications and grow.
Personally, I used to dislike criticism and used to self-criticize a lot. I always felt (due to some underlying environmental and social factors) being targeted for no reason and as a result, diminished any criticism that came my way. But over time, I realized the importance of criticism. I decided to be less self-critical and instead do it the right way by having moments when I reflect and take note of all my flaws and good traits and make a list of active ways to counter them. This way, it’s been easier to receive similar criticisms from people as I’m already aware. It also helped me to differentiate comments and categorize them into constructive and non-constructive criticisms and drive away bad energy.
With that said, I’d like to share some helpful tips on what criticism is likely to do to you and for you and when to embrace it and drive away the bad energy associated with it to continue to grow.
Criticism puts you on your toes
No matter how much you know and how far you’ve come in life, everyone needs a check in what they do in order to perfect it or turn the other way. In other words, self-criticism and external criticism from other critics can be put to good use in form of a motivator to determine what you are not doing well and take corrections. This should be done constructively and accordingly. You can’t self-criticize the project you are undertaking without equally looking at measures to counter the cons. At the same time, you can’t overly self-criticize yourself when it’s not worth it as this can lead to self incurred frustration which will yield no result in the end.
Self-criticism means you are self aware
Self-criticism can serve as a double edge sword in the sense that although, it comes from deep rooted lack of self confidence/esteem, it also gives you the chance to get to know who you are by thoroughly analyzing good and bad traits. With the bad traits, it helps pin-point qualities that have led to something being termed bad in the first place and to evaluate measures to take to do better. Without self-criticism, there would have been no underlying self-awareness. Self-criticism has its advantage, in that it compels one to acknowledge the imperfections they’ve got and work on them.
Criticism will make you sound in many aspects of life
I have heard it said, that the higher you go in life, the more likely you are to face a lot of criticisms. Criticisms sometimes is a measure of how far you have come in life. A writer, manager, CEO, superstar in sports or other entertainment sectors have all got critics and very huge number of them for that matter. As a matter of fact, if I’m not mistaken, there are categorized critics group that criticize recently produced movies, people who give real pros and cons that will further establish whether the movie will sell or flop. Likewise, in a company or work organization, you are liable to receiving criticisms for that work presentation you gave or propaganda you prepared or that work sheet you summarized. The point is accepting again, that although you are very much grounded in your field of work, you are not perfect. An oversight by you could be “the sight” from the critic. A blind spot you overlooked could be the most visible area by a critic. So, be open to receiving the not so good criticisms with regards to your job or life in general and find ways to avoid/or mend the loopholes next time in whatever you didn’t deliver best the previous time- that is called professional, behavioral, academic (name it) growth.
Criticism works also in a paradoxical way
When you are self aware and have involved yourself in something the best way possible, this prevents any form of self-criticism that may crop up or any external bit. But if you find yourself being criticized for something you are sure you did your best for, it can be regarded as a sign that you did well and for what it’s worth, the purpose of your plan/or project is receiving the expected effects- this can be generally equated to success and the criticism in this context, regarded as trolls. Criticism works as a confirmatory means to acknowledging you are successful.
What am I trying to say
Self or external criticism is a good trait as long as it remains constructive and will better mold your deeds/or life for the better. However, a balance should be put to place to how much we say to ourselves, how often we say them, why we say them and also what we say- as much as others to us too. Words both spoken and unspoken are powerful. It can go a long way to make or mar us if not used wisely.
Learn who you are by constantly practicing mindfulness to be self-aware, accept whatever you learn but also be aware you are not perfect neither should you be porous to every form of criticism that comes your way. Remember, when you do the right thing, there will be criticisms likewise when you do otherwise. If former is the case and you know it, then accept the criticisms as a confirmation that you are on the right track.
No one is perfect, I’m not, you are not but I keep learning to self-criticize less and hate external criticisms less and allow its advantages flourish my life while sieving out the bad/or unconstructive ones.
What about you?