Unconventional Ways Pre-menstrual symptoms(PMS) Made Me realize Who I Potentially am

Comet N.
4 min readAug 4, 2019


Image by Unsplash

Different women exhibit different symptoms from mild to severe prior, during and sometimes after menstruation and ovulation. The menstrual cycle commonly lasts for 28–29 days (varies) and consists of 4 phases. The first phase, menstruation is the shedding and renewal of the uterus due to a previously unfertilized egg in preparation for a new egg implantation. The symptoms experienced prior to this phase are called pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS) which occur as a result of a decrease in hormones called progesterone and estrogen. The second phase is the follicular phase which starts from the time of menstruation to ovulation. Third phase is the luteal phase which covers the period between ovulation and the next menstrual phase. An increase in progesterone level at this phase, is responsible for PMS which are normally physical to emotional symptoms one exhibits prior to menstruation such as (but not restricted to) mood swings, bloating, irritability, indifference, acne, breast tenderness and the list goes on- according to health line.com

Photo credit-Unsplash

Mood swings as a PMS

Out of all the PMS, mood swing tends to be the one I fix on prior to menstruating. It has a way of revealing my TRUE character under the shield of a PMS. Some of the moods I tend to show often includes low tolerance, indifference, irritability, emotional intolerance in the form of crying and excess compassion, at the same time, cold and unbecoming. When I feel this way, I know that my period is lurking around and although I dislike the overall feeling, I can’t help but low-key enthuse about some of the ways they characterize me. There are a few reasons why this is so.

  1. I’m someone who plays safe all the time. Someone who tends to tolerate (to a certain extent) commonly unacceptable behaviors under the guise that I don’t want to appear confrontational or holier than thou. Sometimes, I hold back because I want to believe that every inappropriateness by anyone will meet its doomsday- just maybe not by me. But I always wished I was more of a badass who didn’t have to take it all in or suck it up all the time. I always wished I could have the guts to correct people when they were crossing the line and restore order with little or no tolerance for it and that’s where PMS, specifically intolerance has worked as a saving grace to accomplishing this.
  2. I cry a lot and although cathartic, I sometimes hate when I do so yet can’t seem to help it. Through crying, I display vulnerability but not weakness contrary to what others may term it. Through crying, I show that I’m hurt/or feeling joyful and unwilling to hide it and sometimes, it’s a cry for help. Notwithstanding, I hate crying and find it difficult to accept that I do and probably always will. PMS such as excess display of emotions, in this case crying at the slightest provocation prior or during menstruation has helped to confirm crying as one of the possible ways I will always reveal how I feel mostly when displeased and to accept all it entails as aforementioned.
  3. Honestly, I have the capability to feign ignorance when things are going wrong. I can act oblivious or care free at certain unpleasant issues that may arise but are not necessarily directed at me/or my concern. But PMS specifically irritability, disables me from putting up with the slightest pet-peeve, arrogance, noise and other related displeasing acts I would normally hold out on. Irritability can cause me to confront such situation to the last detail without fear or much thought on whether or not it concerns me.

It is highly needed to reveal these non-habitual traits once in a while to right many wrongs and fearlessly too. This is where my monthly PMS has emerged useful in achieving these but that is not to say that it’d be done out of control. You have to know when to use them and control how they use you too because moderation is sexy.

What am I trying to say

PMS are generally discomforting and designed to act in response to the hormones involved prior to menstruation, to prepare and replenish the uterus. However, they have appeared advantageous to me by enabling me to compare me during my free days to the me few days prior to menstruation. PMS have continuously emphasized who I am thereby, nudging me to make an effort in acceptance, to exhibit these traits/or habits from time to time post menstruation. This would not have been possible if I was not open-minded in the first place to observing my body and trying to absorb what other external/unconventional helpful methods there are out there, such as monthly PMS that could help define and thus propel me to live out these potentialities.

How willing are you to learn about your body and accept other unconventional methods of defining it that could potentially mold your personality for the better?



Comet N.
Comet N.

Written by Comet N.

A girl who writes & addresses toxic hidden agenda in the form of topical issues whilst digesting their relative life lessons. I can't alone— It's a ‘let's all’.

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