The Positive Side of Fear
Fear is an imaginary feeling that can grasp your soul and make you feel trapped. It arises from our expectations of how we should be living, often leading us to feel like we’ve “failed.”
If we can reframe how we view events, emotions, and life challenges, we can conquer our fears. For example, a person who fears they may not live long or reach a certain age is often fueled by the fear of what contributes to that worry. The causes of fear are significant but fear itself has no power unless we feed into it.
By acknowledging fear and its perceived consequences, we keep the cycle going. Just like removing an abnormal growth, we must excise these fears.
There is also a positive side to fear. It prompts personal growth and self-improvement. In moments when we feel the worst is about to happen, we often do everything we can to prevent those outcomes or at least minimize their impact. This is the beneficial aspect of fear.
Fear activates our survival instincts. When the future seems daunting due to present fears, this instinct kicks in, motivating us to resist those threats.
Additionally, fear compels us to correct potential problems. The dread of something falling apart due to our actions can drive us to work towards preventing that.
Another positive aspect of fear is that it allows us to confront it. When we recognize that the source of our fear comes from unmet expectations, we can analyze how those expectations were formed. This understanding empowers us to face our fears head-on.
In short:
By realizing that fear is an imaginary feeling shaped by our perceptions rather than by actual events, we can confront and diminish it. This process ultimately liberates us.
Fear can serve as a necessary catalyst, pushing us to achieve our goals and grow in the process. It is not meant to consume us unless we allow it.
Fear can remind us, motivate us, or test our faith and hope that even the worst situations can be reversed. If we choose to embrace it positively, we can discover the good side of fear.