I saw a quote once in Quora “The meaning of life is to give life a meaning” by Flavian Mwasi. It struck a cord in me, notably the confused aspect of me who cannot seem to fathom what to make of life or how to live it.
I recently said a word of prayer as well to God, asking him to aid my ability to live life organically and not necessarily emulate how others love them.
What I understand about life is that there’s no certain way of living it. There is no set meaning to it. Living is what we do consistently every day. If you are the type who envelopes yourself with mindful activities within your home, then you’re an introvert and that creates a meaning to your life. Likewise, if you’re the type that gains lots of fulfillment by being with others, helping or sharing or staying together always, you’re termed an extrovert by nature. Nonetheless, living life in a set way doesn’t give it meaning, we are borrowing words to define our character to understand how we are living.
The true meaning of life is giving life meaning by being true to yourself, untethered, or undiluted. It is getting to the core of who you are and bringing that to light devoid of how anyone else chooses to define it. It is the ability to live on your terms and hopefully, worthy of emulation by others. Life is being your own hero, understanding that you’re whole just by being, nothing more or less. Living life is acknowledging the other extreme spectrum of it — being lifeless. It is all about choosing to show up and make the time you have count — mainly for yourself without regrets when it comes to an end, instead of being afraid of the end.
Some people term life sweet, swift, easy, hard, you name it. These terms arise from the sum of our experiences and other times, the sum of others’ experiences, or predicted experiences. But I will say, life is here and now. What you build, say constantly, believe, and feel strings make up the fragments of your being, which invariably describes the meaning you give to life. So let’s all be guarded.
Thanks for taking the time to read.