You Only Rush Something That’s Not For You.
When you attempt to rush after something because you believe it’s the only way you can attain it, have a rethink because they’re normally the things that end up becoming elusive. Rushing something gives a false hope that you’ll eventually get what you want whereas most times, you’ll not but best to let things rest in-between and allow nature to take its full course. Rushing also feigns hard work and if care is taken you could be delusional about how much work you’ve put towards achieving something whereas you were plainly in a rush and not allowing things to settle. Rushing something can frustrate your mind and cause you to become neurotic because you’re attempting to fast-forward life when it’s not the natural thing to do. When next you catch yourself rushing something, ask yourself what you stand to gain and/ or lose by doing so, if the former supersedes the latter then go ahead if not, then pause and re-strategize on the best method possible to achieving what you want — bearing in mind that the cliche “slow and steady wins the race” is one for a reason and most times that you only rush something that’s not for you.