It’s not only by doing what we do that influences our lives but also by what we don’t do.
It’s not only by doing what we do that influences our lives but also by what we don’t do. Inaction simply means the act of not doing. Inaction usually occurs as a result of a number of reasons between ignorance — which is when you don’t have knowledge about what to do and fear — which is when you do know but are too afraid to act — which may be due to lack of self-esteem or being in denial. Inaction due to fear can impact in your life more negatively than positively in that, it makes you remain stuck in whatever you want to do or wherever you want to go. This impact can occur in your personal life, relationship with others and generally, other areas of your life. Therefore, it’s paramount that you endeavor to push until something happens because not doing and expecting something enormous to happen is foolishness/or insanity as indicated in the quote by Albert Einstein who said that “foolishness is repeating ineffective actions” whereas “insanity is when you repeat the same thing over and over again and expect something different to happen”. Whatever responsibilities you hold in your life; to yourself as the owner of your life, as a brother/sister, friend/colleague or as a parent, do something. Choose action over inaction and conquer the fears holding you back from improving your life in all aspects and also make it a point of duty to enrich the lives of other people around you. Show kindness, show love, ask your children questions that may reveal their deepest darkest secrets and demons and pay attention to them, visit that sick colleague, that pregnant friend you haven’t seen in a while — you get the point now. Fear is what everyone has in common and I mean every single person on earth but what differentiates you from the next person who’s putting in the work despite all is that he/she decided to act anyway. So why not try to put the best foot forward and act necessarily? The only time you shouldn’t be acting is when you’re not necessarily aware of what to do, in which case, the problem is half-solved already — because knowing now that you ought to know what you don’t, will gear you towards the various channels of learning them in order to start acting. In the midst of these, do not forget to ask questions. That’s where more power lies. It shows that you’re accepting that you don’t know and are willing to learn and will ultimately succeed with such a trait. First, you must be willing to learn and be consistent with doing it/or them afterward. You’re neither lazy, unmotivated or bored but rather fearful like Niklas Göke rightfully said; or in this context, plain ignorant. Choose to rise and do better, choose to act. It may not be easy to get through but at least you tried to do something. Give yourself credit when you win some but remember to top that with more action — after all “the more you do, the more you can do” as postulated by the great essayist William Hazlitt. Also, cry when necessary, when it’s tough, as crying is cathartic but don’t forget to wipe your tears, dust your knees from the tough fall and continue moving. That’s the only way people wouldn’t recognize you once fell and even if they do, well, there’re many more chances to make them see otherwise. Stop choosing nothingness over meaningful something due to fear or of being in denial and rise to fulfilling your calling. Others may support you, your parents and loved ones can only serve as consultants in your life as an adult but the wheel’s in your hands. Steer it right. In order to conquer that fear, ask yourself what the worse that could happen is. Embarrassment? Shame? Trust me or not, but life gives you many chances to rid all these and stand firm in the end. You just have to believe, act and be consistent — and watch what happens next.