The Art Of Bed-Making; What It Says About You
Meeting a well-made bed always triggers some form of rest or relaxation in a person but the actual process of making a bed; including tucking in the sheets tidily in the respective corners, plaids, throw pillows and the blanket/duvet rightfully is an innate craft we’ve all got in ourselves.
Unfortunately, not everyone has understood nor imbibed the therapeutic need of a well-made bed and that’s why this article is recommended to further exacerbate not only the importance of a well-made bed, where you spend close to 3000 hours on a minimum in a year according to several articles, but also highlight the key personality traits of one who upholds bed making essentiality.
The way you make your bed so shall you lie on it
This adage goes far to underlying how the art and act of making a bed tell a lot about our personalities. But first, to make a bed, you ought to appreciate one beforehand. Now that we’ve noted that, the next thing is coming to terms with some of these traits that are involved in someone who makes it a point of duty to do so.
- Discipline: As aforementioned, when you make up your mind to engage in something you deem worthy, disciplining yourself to carry it out is usually a no brainer. In other words, when you make it a point of duty to make your bed regardless of what mood, time or environmental conditions, it’s a strong sign that you’re a well-disciplined person.
- Organized: Again, it’s no brainer that someone who takes his or her precious time to tuck in their sheets and place the right bed accessories to their respective position is one who is organized in every sense (mind and body). This is someone who understands what needs to be done and the technical know-how and in conjunction with discipline, carries it out.
- Well-prioritized: The cliche is that when you wake up from bed in the morning, you’re expected to make your bed. This is a cliche for a reason. There’s time for everything. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make your bed after making a cup of coffee or attending to other needs that are not far off from the bedroom, it simply means that no matter what, you know what needs to be done and when too before stepping out or fully kick-starting your daily activities — and that is first, making your bed.
- Patient: Bed making can be tedious especially if you woke up really on the wrong side of the bed or if you sleep on one of these king-sized celebrity beds with little or no space for the actual sleep. In this case, making the bed can seem like a whole chore for the entire day. But the ability to conquer the laziness, fear and the procrastination that follows afterward and going ahead to tuck in the sheets tells a lot on your patience level.
- Making your bed also portrays the part of you that likes to enjoy good things. When you make your bed well, it emanates a profound joy and triggers a sense of relaxation in you when you return back to lay on it and hence, the adage the way you make your bed so shall you lie on it.
Making your bed well tells a lot about who you are. To a great extent, making your bed sets the tone for the day and allows your mind to acknowledge that your day is about to begin. It’s energizing on its own.
Making your bed each day devoid of what may be the case with your mind, body, and spirit, before during and after you wake up from sleep is a good indication that you are a well-disciplined, organized, prioritized and patient individual. All because of the simple art of making your bed.