One Fact About Life
1.) Many things You Want Won’t Happen When Everything’s Perfect
The downside to being overly organized, furthermore seeking perfection, is expecting certain things if not everything to be well-thought-out and executed before doing what is necessarily supposed to be done. Now, while this isn’t such a bad characteristics especially if it’s your nature to be organized alongside all the advantages it brings forth to your personal, professional and romantic life, it can be time-wasting and hence, emanate to dismay.
Sometimes, we don’t need to have our shit together before making a move because life can happen at any time.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s always essential to be prepared; but to intentionally impede your action plan for something you ascertained needs to be done hitherto to waiting for your internal/external perfect plans to come through first can be sabotaging.
Therefore, when next you want to delay that job offer because you haven’t shopped for it, or that cooking lesson because you aren’t ready to use it yet or delay conception because your house isn’t well arranged/decorated or perfect yet and the list goes on, remember that life can happen at any minute and make all plans futile and hence, leaving you in an irrecoverable state of despair.
Be aware also that sometimes, great things can happen to you unexpectedly too — at the eleventh hour. You’ll just have to deal with it when it comes.
Sometimes, we don’t need to have our shit together before making a move because life can happen at any time.
Plan some, leave some.