The (Not so) Simple Ways to EnhanceYour Sixth Sense

1.) Becoming curious

Comet N.
4 min readJan 16, 2022
Nataliya Vaitkeivich on Pexels

It’s no brainer we are innately endowed with a sixth sense. By sixth sense, I mean the ability to use your natural intelligence, your common sense.

Common sense is the best relatable description of a sixth sense. Even though we are all blessed with this prowess, it’s not everyone who uses it or even knows how to.

For so many others, it’s a question of how to enhance their sixth sense in order for them to exercise it.

I’m here to help with that.

But before we delve into the how’s, it’s noteworthy to determine the why’s first. So why is it important that we’re aware, enhance or exercise our sixth sense?

Having or developing a sixth sense is crucial in our development as humans. Both in their innate and in acquired forms. It explains not only how we use our brains, but fuse our minds, with our experiences to reach to/at something.

  • It’s essential in quick and efficient decision-making
  • it boosts our confidence
  • it enables us acquire and utilize many (life) skills.

That said, some of the few ways to enhance your naturally endowed sixth sense are

Becoming curious with everything

Curiosity can never be overemphasized, simply because when you wish to know you always find out and even if you couldn’t, you’re still curious as to why.

Curiosity is a push within us — mental, spiritual, psychological, that makes us want to go for something. In this sense, curiosity boosts our sixth sense through opening us to many possibilities while reaching our brains to analyze the newly acquired knowledge and set them apart into categories either as good, bad, ugly, and the rest alike. For future references. This is why it seems easy to distinguish between what character to portray or not in any given circumstance.

Accepting pain as part of the equation

Evading pain is one of the brain’s natural mechanisms to continue keeping us comfortable and out of “danger”. The issue here now is, not every painful ordeal is as dangerous. Some pain are needful. It is through this pain we push beyond our limits and transcend many attainable milestones hence, garnering the experiences needed to make better decisions as we grow forward.

Not evading pain simply requires us to sit with them. It’s more painful that way, however it’s equally more efficient. Learn to accept some pain as part of the equation to life and let it teach you important life skills needed to thrive

Going against the norm

This is similar to the first point. Except this time we are going against what we’ve been conditioned to believe in, act as, and or be as — not just against what our brains want now. Going against the norm is equivalent to finding what your authentic self is and sticking with it. It’s something like: determining what you genuinely like and upholding it and what you don’t like and abhorring them without fear or favor. Just you being you.

When you can be yourself, going against several norms, you’d come to discover the sixth sense that’s been masked all along. Most of all, enhance it by constantly exercising it since you’re thinking and acting on your terms now.

Making tough decisions

The more tough decisions we have to make, the braver we’ll be. And the braver we are the more obvious our sixth sense is utilized.

Making tough decisions serve as an exploratory means to measure how the mind works through their resultant output. So for example: if you made a tough decision of letting go of a healthy relationship because you determined you aren’t a relationship person, the result is usually some sense of peace of mind with doing what you thought was in tune with you. Therefore this result helped put your sixth sense into play and enhanced it for better (tougher) decision- making in the future. The courage otherwise boosts your confidence as well.

Merging a few external senses and taking their average

Sometimes, one of the most efficient ways to arrive at a place is evaluating the average of several other places before then. Drawing this analogy to enhancing the sixth sense means imploring a few other external ideas from other people and reaching at something averagely.

This is counterintuitive, however it goes to demonstrate how sixth sense is equivalent to common sense. The commonality involves other’s input in definition. This is how you decipher if your sixth sense is indeed built. Because most people with common sense tend to exhibit similar characteristics.

This serves as an exploratory means of understanding how others minds or senses work versus yours.

In essence, common sense is another name for the sixth sense. It is that ounce of inner wisdom in the form of intuition we have which we tend to ignore. If only we’d learn ways to enhance and utilize them better, we’d be walking robots.

Some of the ways to start using our naturally gifted sense is to learn to take pain in strides, take the contrarian stance, make tough decisions often and merge a few other ideas with yours and your experiences to reach a common sense goal to see if it’s really common.

Chances are it’s oxymoronic. But test out your sixth sense and evaluate.



Comet N.
Comet N.

Written by Comet N.

A girl who writes & addresses toxic hidden agenda in the form of topical issues whilst digesting their relative life lessons. I can't alone— It's a ‘let's all’.

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