Mindfulness Will Help You Stay Open-minded to Life
When life happens to you, your innate reaction would be feeling hurt, disappointed and discouraged. You wonder why it had to be you, why it happened in the first place and why it happened when it did.
Questions related to feeling entitled.
But like everything else, life always happens for a reason so you have to always prepare for it, embrace it and maximize it to your advantage — bearing in mind that life happens to everyone with no exception.
In order to embrace life happenings, it entails you being open-minded first. You don’t have the option or capacity to choose what happens to you, therefore, open-mindedness will relieve you of the pain to a greater extent for what’s to come and equip you (mentally, emotionally or physically) for it.
Open-mindedness requires mindfulness for you to pull through.
By having a reflective thought process which goes as follows;
First, understanding that as a human, life is always bound to happen; therefore, that life cannot always be perfect. Secondly, by understanding also that for growth and development to occur in many areas of your life at each stage/milestone you come to, life ought to be allowed to happen therein and lastly, understanding the critical point when growth and development are occurring and enduring that process especially.
By the time all this is over, you’ll realize how changed you’ve become. You’ll no longer be afraid of discomfort because you’re mindful and now open-minded of when it’s to come, when it’s happening and how to maximize it to your advantage. Most importantly, you continue to grow and develop in every sense.