Many ways Setting and having a Standard can be Beneficial to you
Majority of the things we consider the “norm” today were born out of underlying experimentation, acknowledgement and the management of different irregularities. This norm is interchangeable with standards. Standards setting refers to a methodological process that is used to proclaim a definition to something be it an event, situation, behavior and so on.
Setting standards is highly important in regulating our functionality as humans. It is considered a zero point from which to draw the line and consider/define something as either good/bad, quality/inferior, high/equal/low and so on. This means that standards setting spans across different spectrums of life; academic, profession, personal growth and development and way of living. This therefore verified the need for different entities be involved in regulating these different functionalities (based on skills, ability and knowledge) hence, giving rise to a standard. Examples of such entities are the professional associations, academics, board of education and state agencies.
Role of standards setting involved with growth and development as a person
For you to have a standard, you must set a standard first. Setting a standard begins with knowing who you truly are. Identifying your positive and negative traits and differentiating good from bad traits; it also involves acknowledging your skills, abilities and level of knowledge and then, differentiating them from their lack respectively. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses also aids in defining and differentiating what is considered strong/strength from weak. This means that self reflection and awareness are key fundamental requirements to setting a standard as a person whereas subsequent practice defines you as a person with standards. On the flip side, incorrect identification of the following traits as listed above does not necessarily equate to having no standards. Standards are defined by how you set them. It is a null line which only you has the right to plot from. So, it is completely up to you to regard and place negative aspects of things on the “high bars” and vice-versa for the positive traits. That is your standard, you set yourself. Not having standards could equally fit as a standard on its own, in that you or relatively anything of sort is porous to everything. Again, completely up to you.
Setting standards is not a static process
Let’s assume you have a certain standard now, even so, you are likely to continue to build a lot of “tastes” in different areas of life to match with it. You must be aware that standards setting is not a static or set process per se. it demands infinite experiments that allow you to tweak, add to it and subtract from it as time goes on. Therefore, you can say it consists of a group of invariable constants initially that is transformed later to a variable constant overtime. Becoming aware of different things at different stages of your life in one or many aspects of it, build your “set of standard(s)”. This unequivocally means also for instance, if you were once lacking in education and didn’t see the need initially, you can begin to see the need much later on and allow education to form part of your checklist hence, developing a taste for it not only for yourself but in other people. Likewise with spirituality, professionalism and their antonyms. Based on how you define it
Setting standards is also applicable to how you view and rate things
When you have a particular standard, that means that differentiation and definitions are in play. Through these, you are easily able to spot and rate things more accurately with less confusion and indecisiveness. So for instance, because you are aware of how a professional person would normally behave and handle issues at work, it is easy for you spot someone who is unprofessional through behaviors such as mixing business with pleasure etcetera. Having a standard gives room to be better at judgment of character(rating), creates less confusion and indecisiveness, more assertiveness and pragmatism.
Having a standard allows you to know what to expect and accept
When you know who you are, you will attract your kind. And when you attract your kind, you will more readily accept it. Let me use something more materialistic this time. When you have appreciate looking good, wearing top brand name clothing, know how to mix and match your clothes to give off a wonderful finish or appearance, that is a standard you have set for yourself- to incorporate branded clothings and look a certain way; therefore, you are bound to appreciate something similar in anyone else exhibiting those external characteristics or materialism more. In essence, your standards allow you attract your kind. Whatever else it may include.
Living beyond your standards can leave you frustrated
Having a standard has a way of pulling you back to it when you are deviating. Setting standards have natural forces with tendencies to draw you back each time you are “crossing the line”. Agreed, a standard is an initial zero level from which to plot either high or low dependent on your self analyses however, there’s a certain point or limit to which you can get to when setting your standards. This is paradoxical in the sense that although standards are not rigid, they equally have limits to endure. It is at this point, you either have a progression or regression -similar to plotting a line graph. When you attempt to exceed your limits within your standards through excess additions or subtractions, it can leave you frustrated, disappointed and overwhelming or underwhelming. So for instance, when you have ascertained that you have a standard within yourself to be honest and appreciate that in people, it can be devastating to constantly find yourself helplessly in the same room with those bunch of loud mouthed colleagues which you may either be left with the options of
- silently suffering whilst focusing your best to do your job
- Confronting them about it as and when due.
- Leaving the organization altogether
Either ways, it is frustrating based on your standards.
Having personal standards compels you to adhering to others
In a society, there are different entities that police different standards which ought to be met in order to qualify for something. It could be with regards to academics, profession and so on. Most times, setting and meeting up with our personal standards serves as an advantage to adhering to others’ standards. Meeting these standards equates to cohering to their underlying set of rules or principles which makes us proficient afterwards. The reward for having adhered to these kind of standards is usually in form of a qualification. This certifies that you met all the criteria both favorable and unfavorable ones and have been deemed fit to progress from there using the qualification as a reference. This means that adhering to standards brings forth a sense of satisfaction which invariably adds to your person/standards in a loop.
What am I trying to say?
Setting standards is imperative prior to having one; which in turn, allows you to determine how to behave at any given time. This usually starts with getting to the roots and identifying things as they are; then gradually sorting them out based on whether you appreciate them or not and practicing the outcome of that analysis which subsequently fall into your set of standards.
Every standard began with an experimentation so, feel free to take your time, explore and place what and where. Your standards mustn’t be equivalent to another person’s therefore, you cannot set your standards based on another person’s- it will not be worth it. This is not to mean that you cannot learn your lessons and “tweak” your standards based on what you have learned from others after all, our experiences appear unique but we all pass through similar feelings. If there were no standardizations, there would be no need for rules and regulations with their associated penalties, there would be no government, agencies, professional bodies/associations and academic boards who are there to set standards and regulate them to ensure efficiency in those areas. Standardization is therefore inherent for daily regulation of our functionalities as humans. It brings about clarity, to indicate a point or progression or regression, high/low, poor/rich etc. it is propelled by knowledge, differentiation and definition to effect qualification to or for something.
Do you have a standard? Do you adhere to other standards?