How to Reserve Your Brain Space for Better Things

See your brain as a computer literally

Comet N.
6 min readApr 24, 2022
Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

If we could peek into our brain, we would see all the irrelevant things that are taking up too much space disallowing better things from occurring in our lives.

Our brain is like the precious computer we need to safeguard for evolution and development. Our brain is not two, but just one. Our brain space, on the other hand, is like the central processing unit, a very delicate part of our brain we need to protect at all costs. So, if we don’t guard what we feed the brain, it’s going to tell in our intellectualism, which over time affects our mental framework.

But more disturbingly, degenerative diseases abound if care isn’t taken — in a similar fashion to how the computer gets affected by a virus.

How do we protect our brains from such anomalies?

By seeing our brain as a computer literally

This simile might appear flimsy to use, but a Layman would relate to this in the most simplistic way possible (which is also a sign of a healthy brain — simplifying things).

By seeing our brains like computers we’ll draw comparisons to how we take care of them and analyze if we’re taking better care of our brains or our computers. Why? Because the brain is the core unit of our being. It is what makes up our functionality as humans — our behaviors, perception, traits, skills, and whatnot.

Taking care of your personal computers at home aids you in determining how you’d care for your brain.

Questions like:

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Do you intentionally delete stuff to unclog the brain?

One of the most important things to consider when it comes to reserving our brain space is decluttering them. Keep things as simple as possible.

Our brain is made of millions of nerves and cells, which transmit signals, by either processing or absorbing information. So, when we clog our brains with lots of information at any one time, we are overstimulating it and making it work tirelessly fruitlessly.

Therefore, unclogging our brains is an essential technique for restoring brain health and capacity. And this can be achieved by

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Learning to let go

Similar to the way you’d download virus software to rid the computer of nonsense, letting go of some or several things as important as they may seem is a good practice for boosting the brain space. Holding onto things can wear out the brain and decrease the ability to think straight and decide well when it comes to better things.

Holding onto too many things or information can disable the brain from functioning even at the minimal level, such as remembering a piece of information not to talk about bigger things like retention or speech delivery or even making the bigger life-changing decisions.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

To boost the brain functions is to exercise it always

It may be hard to comprehend how the brain can be exercised due to where it is situated. But make no mistakes as the brain can be exercised to improve its efficacy.

Some brain exercises include reading, learning something new, using your brain, and so on.

Reading is essential because it strengthens brainpower. Since it mostly processes new information to better help you understand them.

Learning something new works similarly to reading — in that it allows the brain to use its natural ability in accepting and digesting information — which teaches your mind and body to utilize it as part of you afterward.

Using your brain: this is a no-brainer. Using one’s brain improves its capacity. The brain is made up of a lot of networks and senses, so, the ability to use your brain from time to time improves its function. It enhances your sixth sense, which in turn increases your intellectualism and adaptability among many other benefits.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Feed the brain right

Sometimes we think we have to do all the work for our brains to do their own. But what if I told you specific foods can do the job for us making us enjoy both ways?

Foods such as lentils, special fish like salmon, oily fish like tuna and sardines, dark leafy vegetables/broccoli, and oats enhance brain function and reserve the needed brain space — likewise entreating yourself with a glass of red wine, dark chocolates, and coffee.

They all boost brain functionality and structurally through antioxidant activity. Which if left alone can result in reduced brain cells and ability.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Other non-food options you can feed your brain with include

Positive outlook, good attitude.

The way you’d get rid of a virus to feed your computer with entertaining, livelier things works similarly to how you can improve your brainpower and reserve your brain space for much better things.


Because at times all we need is to be entertained. Nothing less. We can’t always be too serious or worried about why the past was so, the present is so, or how the future pans out. It takes up too much space when all we can do is just be entertained. To pretend for a short while like we don’t have anything better to do than watch movies, go to concerts, play music, visit loved ones, etc.

I mean, those types of indulgences that produce happy/uplifting chemicals. Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, you name it.

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Last but not the least is to shut down

I’m not particularly a fan of shutting off your brain from working at all, because the truth is, it never works. However, there are many times all the strategies above don’t prove efficacious at all, in which case, shutting down is the best approach.

Similar to the way you’d shut down a computer that can no longer process the internet faster (or has just downloaded more apps than necessary), it’s advisable to implore this method to our brain when it’s too much. Too much of the pain, processing, indecision fatigue, you name it.

Just shut down.

Stop trying at that point.

Give yourself some space before trying again, because the brain won’t function at its optimal level. You’d only be creating more work and wasting additional time and energy you could save for nothingness, which in effect is everything at that point.

So, in essence: learn to see your brain as a computer to increase your awareness of how to better understand its care tips.

The brain is powerful and resourceful, so improving its capability will do us more harm than good. Some of the ways to accomplish that in conjunction with the tip above are

  • Unclog unnecessary or unnecessarily necessary information taking up too much space at any one time
  • Exercise the brain to optimize its functionality
  • Feed your brain with the right foods and information plus an attitude
  • And shut it down when it’s too hot or much to handle.

Treat your brain like the core of your being and it will reward you in many aspects of your life.

I am a writer who is very passionate about learning the next best thing that would improve my life, both in the physical and spiritual realm. Whatever I am not doing right is what I’m not aware of or don’t know how to implement. Join me in this wonderful journey by subscribing to my account to unravel all there is to materialize this.



Comet N.
Comet N.

Written by Comet N.

A girl who writes & addresses toxic hidden agenda in the form of topical issues whilst digesting their relative life lessons. I can't alone— It's a ‘let's all’.

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