How to Properly Manage Your Life
By first managing, distinctively, the different aspects of it. In ways, you don’t run at a loss
In life, there are always going to be obstacles that would try to leave you stuck or pull you down and managing this life well requires you to manage the different aspects that make it up, sometimes distinctively and other times, collectively. These aspects are mainly; mental, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual etcetera.
The ability to properly manage these areas of our lives doesn’t mean that we’re striving to be perfect, it just means that we’re making an effort to be well so that we can do well and hence, contribute to making the world a better place.
With the mental aspect, this chiefly deals with our cognition. And when our cognition is distorted, even the simplest things will seem bewildering, the loveliest gestures will be perceived as a threat and the list goes on.
With the physical aspect, this sometimes has to do with our senses (touch, smell, sight) and making gestures or moves that means something is wrong or not. Fight or flight mode inclusive.
With the spiritual aspect, this goes beyond one's religion. Religion is only the beginning. It’s the supernatural force that draws you to it, a force with which you use in forming your beliefs that makes you have certain patterns of behavior and/or characteristics.
With the emotional aspect comes the ability for us to feel which represents innately how humane we are. When we feel happy, we express it, when we’re upset, we tend to act irrational and the list goes on.
Then, there’s the psychological. Similar to the mental, it deals also with our cognition but in a more expansive manner.
In total, every aspect of our lives interject with one another at every point in time, and while that may help us attain certain goals, adapt well to some difficulty or enable us in many other ways possible, it’s wise to know when to restrict interference from one area to another to be able to achieve what we need which is ultimately, to be well in order to do well as aforementioned.
For instance, your mental aspect which overall determines how well you deal with your physical and spiritual and other life facets, when distorted, will otherwise mar their respective capabilities.
As factual as this is, know therewith, that we’re also the ones in control of what our minds propel or deludes us to do, therefore, we can control our actions by choosing not to let it do otherwise.
You may have an awesome relationship with God for instance, yet your mental state keeps drawing you back from using your physical strength in visiting the church every once in a while.
You may have an unsupportive family that marred your mental state and that may have led you to shut down your spiritual capability to pray and believe that you can still create a beautiful thing, in this case, family, despite coming from a broken one.
On the other hand, you may have a close-knit family and because of a tragedy, (internal or external) you choose to stop fighting for the union, you give up. I recently watched a series between a newly married, obviously loving couple who lost their unborn baby via miscarriage where the wife almost allowed that to crash the entire marriage because she allowed the signal from her dampened emotional state, directly as a consequence of her physical loss of her baby to take a toll on her other seemingly perfect family stability.
And the list goes on.
How do you properly manage this?
Managing your life properly means managing each aspect of it well enough that it contributes to the growth, peace and wellness of not just you but also the people you care about and the world at large. One of the most important ways of doing so is learning the art of not allowing the one that doesn’t serve you right to take over the others that do.
By first,
Recognizing that you’ve got an issue in one area or another
This is when you’re attuned with the fissured aspect of you that needs repair. When you’re aware of the possibility for this broken aspect to affect other areas of your life and pay extra attention to when and how that normally pans out so that you can avoid it. After all, you’re the one in charge.
Do not allow one or other imperfect areas of your life to affect the others that appear perfect.
What am I trying to say?
We all exhibit different characteristics from different aspects of our lives depending on what life demands of us at that time and being able to effectively manage each stratum without letting one imperfect area diffuse into others unnecessarily remains the key.
The ability to practice self-awareness, emotional intelligence, spiritual discernment, mental and psychological alertness will go a long way to ascertaining when to collectively accept interference from one area of life and when to distinctively do so — of which the latter is highly advantageous especially when dealing with obstacles in life — all in the bid to be well so as to do well.
This way, you don’t run at a loss.