How do you Measure Riches/Success?
We assume being rich is equated to being successful. It could be due to the cost of one’s clothing, accessories, or landed properties. These things account for the materialistic aspect of surviving, versus the non-materialistic aspect of living — which I term real success.
First of all, success is measured by one’s yardstick. If you equate riches, material things, and co, as being successful, then by all means, it is success. People’s perspectives about riches and success come from their belief of what they mean based on how they were educated about it from childhood. For me, I’ve always seen material things as being successful. We’re talking about vane expectations like getting a job, getting a car, etc. Although my perspectives about riches versus success have modified a lot, I still get carried away by my keenness in deciphering the brand of clothes and/or accessories people put on — to size them up. Which is damn right wrong. Wrong, because from my modified values of what a true person represents and how successful they are, it should be based on characteristics beyond the physical.
In essence, success is measured by how much peace you have within you at any point in time. It is equated to how much time you have at your hand, as time is the greatest treasure that cannot be reversed, how much effort and reward you gain from a proposed agenda — be it with showing compassion to others, genuinely alleviating their demeaned situations (not for pics or pretense), putting smiles on random faces and developing your life “richly” emotionally, spiritually and mentally. This is contrary to how many branded/luxury wears you have or wear, the luxury of going on super exotic vacations (as my friend once asserted about “rich” people), and how much of pop culture you know and trend with/by.
There are rich people and there are certainly successful people. What we do with the riches is what determines how successful we become. For some, they are stuck in tagging as a rich person, whereas for others, they use their stance to cultivate things that would truly enrich their lives emotionally, mentally, and most importantly in this context, spiritually. That is what true success means. Check it.