Hard Life
Hard life is the sort where you find yourself in lots of uncomfortable situations where you’re left with little or no option on how to cope. Choosing to live a hard life rather than give up is always the safer option as running away from it would cause you further agony when next you encounter something else or similar.
He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day ~ Oliver Goldsmith.
Discomfort isn’t necessarily a bad omen when you put it to good use. It’s very difficult to endure and there’s no one-size-fits-all remedy that can soothe this general predicament everyone faces from time to time, however, choosing to deliberately embrace life the way it is/happens and seeking ways to turning disadvantageous aspects to your advantages is where the skill lies.
Sometimes to pull this off, you need to have passed through several ugly experiences other times, you learn your lessons through others tales. The most important thing here is how you deal with the hard-knock life gives you.
It’s noteworthy to assimilate the fact that the more life happens to you, the more you’re ascertained to truly be living and vice-versa. In other words, running away from hard life means you aren’t living intentionally, mindfully, but rather scaling through.
The spirit of wisdom to remain open-minded to how tumultuous life can be, endurance to sit out the difficult times and discernment to figure out how to utilize it maximally to your advantage are mostly what you should ask for or cultivate in order to pull through because the harder the life, the more resilient you will be and the more resilient you are, the more adaptable you are — which is one of the greatest features of mankind.
Do not intentionally create a hard life for yourself per se, but don’t run away from one or make a hullabaloo about it to every living thing near you without first seeking ways to deal with and taking advantage of it. It’s called living.
Don’t live to fight but fight to live~ Tupac Shakur