The decision to let go of the past and not allow it to alter your now and future
The decision to give this relationship a break and go on a more important journey of self-discovery and self-love
The decision to let go of this job and become an entrepreneur or pursue something else you’re more inclined to.
The power of decisiveness can never be overemphasized
Yet, people underrate it a lot.
Decisiveness always happens with/when you’re presented with two or more options and have to choose between them. Collectively, it’s always a matter of white or black, yin or yang, all or nothing — and the decisions made when presented with these options are usually straightforward and easy when you know what you want whereas, the reverse is the case when you are either in a “shades of grey” situation or when you simply do not know what you want.
Decisiveness is a choice
No matter how complicated life gets or what is being thrown at you at different stages of your existence, it’s always left up to you to make a choice and decide on what to do with it. As the popular quote goes; “when life gives you lemon”. Now, there are several responses different people give when presented with this first line of the quote and that’s all dependent on who they are, what their choices are and what they’ve decided to make of them.
Most people would respond with making a lemonade out of it whereas others would choose something completely different from what a lemon is supposed to be used for.
Again, it’s all left to you- your choice!
Decisiveness saves you time
“Time is of the essence and waits for no one”
When you’ve got a choice, you’ll be able to decide more rapidly than someone who doesn’t — which will, in turn, save you tons of time. As stated before, the choice is what helps you decide, but having a choice comes from knowing who you are (self-awareness), what you’re capable of doing and not, what your likes and dislikes are and so on and so forth.
These innate choices are those which life endows you with as a human. This, in conjunction with mindfulness, will constantly keep you abreast with making fast decisions on/with things — because you had a choice/preference in the first place.
I understand this is tricky, as people will be quick to pronounce how the world or life doesn’t present them with lots of choices or options but like I said and will reiterate, it all boils down to the same analogy behind the quote — “when life gives you lemon”.
Because think about it;
at least life gives you something to work with be it a bad relationship, joblessness or an ugly past.
The power to let go, deal with it and how-to, all rests in your hands. For me, I’d suggest you rely on your willpower as a human who lives the “life” and not the “life” living you, to be courageous, stick to your innate powers and choices as aforementioned and deal with these lemons the appropriate way to your own advantage.
But, do this and do it fast- Time is of the essence and waits for no one.
Decisiveness saves you and others the stress
Imagine the immeasurable relief you feel now that you’ve decided to let go of that abusive relationship or that stagnant job or anything else that was tying you down. Again, it all goes back to your choice with first of all, knowing who you are, what you can and can’t do. This will help save you and others a whole lot of stress when you finally reach that conclusion and more preferably, on time too. I’d say one thing with delaying a decision which should’ve been made earlier is the “tears and wears” involved in it. When you’re stuck in a “shades of grey” situation. For instance, I hate my job but I need it to sustain me and my family, I hate my relationship, but at least it’s better than being single and other similar rumination.
When you start making excuses to overshadow who you’re or what you want, it’ll lead you to making bad choices which will ultimately influence and lead you to making bad decisions. It turns a bliss of a black or white situation — such as leave the job and find something better to do (white) or stick with it and it’s misery (black) — into a messy shades of grey situation which will, in turn, lead you to make bad decisions.
One of the disadvantages in so doing, is that it not only frustrates you but the others involved in it. You’ll not be as productive in that workplace or relationship hence, leaving the other person in your team miserable. You get the point, so why don’t you stick to your choice, make that decision and fast too and save you and everyone else the stress?
Decisiveness is a decision and likewise indecisiveness
It’s as self-explanatory as that
Decisiveness tells on your character
“Choose to be the Best”
When you’re able and readily open to going for what you want and rejecting what you don’t, it tells well on your character of someone who knows what they want and goes for it and vice-versa.
When you’re in a job you know doesn’t fit you or bring out the best in you, yet stick to it, so many things come to mind. It could be that you’re not courageous enough to take risks and pursue your life goals and have them fulfilled or you simply are not self-aware and conscious to even determine if you ought to be in that job in the first place.
Likewise, when you decide to remain in an abusive relationship for the fear of being single, it could equate to someone who lacks self-esteem or self-worth of something deserving and going for it hence, lack of self-care/or love.
The irony of these whole assumptions is that they may not necessarily be true but bad choices due to lack of self-awareness lead to bad decisions which lead to bad assumptions or deductions of character.
Choose to be the Best
What am I trying to say?
Life presents you with innate choices. You’ve to search within yourself as opposed to far and wide to determine what these choices are or can be based on who you are and not by anyone else’s definitions, standards or choices. These will enable you create a “black or white, yes or no or engage or let go” scenarios even in the face of a shades of grey or blurry encounters.
To achieve this, self-awareness and mindfulness are great tools to use to create that bracket of choices and deal with the lemons life serves you. You must also be willing to obey these lessons you’re learning and be disciplined to abide by them when it’s needed — both for the time being and also for future purposes to avoid being caught off-guard.
Or you can choose to ignore them all, remain nonchalant with utilizing your innate skills (which I hope not) and deal with the consequences.
The choice is yours!
The decision is yours to make!
Decide now- what’s it going to be?