Creating a Life Manual
Growing up, we were made to follow the rules our parents or caregivers slated for us. Within that household, we expanded our learning and becoming, by adhering to the rules of society. This further forged our ideas and mentalities on how to live life. Except that we did so heavily based on a collective of other terms. This has impaired a lot of our developmental use of our own minds as adults, with now recognizing how non-relatable and how incompatible the majority of these so-called rules are.
This has forced a lot of people to drop out of life with the confusion about not knowing how to be without following rules or what others are saying and doing. Even when they know it’s not good for them. As such, it’s imperative to educate this category of people about the inherent need or importance of creating a life manual for themselves.
A life manual is like a self-guide on how one chooses to live based on their term only. With little or no interference from the outside world. Creating a life manual is essential. It aids you to tailor your life based on what appeals or even magnets to your type of person. Because as you may already know, everyone is unique. But when you don’t create a life manual to follow, you begin to follow others’ which can be misguiding.
Creating a life manual for yourself requires you to deviate from the norm. You can no longer be or do what everyone is. You will only do what you want to do the way it comes to you. That’s the essence of it.
A life manual will save your life.
Creating a life manual is like forging a path for yourself. This will save your life because you’re living a fulfilled life and not following the trend. Following the trend causes a lot of heartache and downcast in the foreseeable future as you clench your teeth in regret of not acting according to what your personality truly is.
To create a life manual, you need to pay close attention to your person. You would need to silence all noise and listen to the voice of reasoning emanating from within you alone. This is how you can do that.
You have to examine the core aspects of one’s living. The educational aspect, mental, emotional, spiritual, professional, and physical aspects of living. This won’t happen in one go, but at least mind mapping to other aspects will occur as you delve into one. They’re all correlated.
You need to find out if going to school is your manner of learning and becoming educated or self/education. You need to determine whether becoming an entrepreneur is your calling rather than sitting behind a desk, or in my case, working on a bench all day is your thing.
These revelations will not be easy neither would applying them be. They won’t be painless in discovery either. The point is to get a rough idea about who you are and how you operate. Talking about what pleases and displeases you, what traits depict you, and the ones that evade your type. What type of person are you around certain people and what characteristics do you display when tested to your limits?
Don’t wait for life or somebody to hand you handouts on how to live, maybe survive, yes. At the end of the day, living is fulfilling, survival is short-term and doesn’t describe a person entirely. Choose to create a life manual that will guide you in life. It’s hard living, you might as well make it worthwhile by doing so on your terms.
Thanks for taking the time to read.