It’s safe to say being quiet is equal to peacefulness, but that’s a misleading mentality. Being quiet can simply mean so, a state of being, whereas peace is a feeling deeper than tranquility.
Being quiet can be a masked way to avoid the inner ruckus. It can be a make-believe to get people to think one thing whereas it’s a mirage.
But why is it important to differentiate between the two?
Peace needs to be recognized when it occurs or it’s there. Peace needs to be cultivated and welcomed. Therefore if we don’t even know what peace is or what it feels like how can we bask in its positivity in our lives?
Peace is a state of being. It explains a situation of a calm, restful mind, spirit, and body. Peace can be found even amid chaos as long as the spirit is steered away from it. This explains why a couple who is compatible knows they are. By how they remain connected and at peace with one another devoid of their cyclical (I assume), upsetting phases in their relationship.
The oxymoronic aspect of this is that peace of mind is priceless. There’s no tag for it, however, it can come at a huge cost or sacrifice for something else. Peace is at times chosen, more like, if you choose peace it instantly comes. Peace can also be conferred — this explains where a loved one is there for you during your difficult times.
Peace cannot be confused with silence because even in extreme quietness, one can be deeply troubled or disturbed mentally and spiritually.
These erode peace. Troubled states scare peace away. Your spirit doesn’t welcome what cannot be sustained at that moment. Because when peace comes, it stays.
Quietness can be a charade of true peace. Agreed, it’s an avenue for peace to reign, but oftentimes, it’s a pathway for chaos to linger on.
If we tend to bottle up hate, anger, and hurt, you name it, and exercise tranquility through them all, this is equal to the mental and spiritual states of pandemonium. Which is the direct opposite of peace.
I call silence a charade also because it serves as a predecessor to carefully orchestrate harm or a crime. Usually, the loud ones are easily blamed and named, whereas, in reality, those who are extremely quiet are to be watched more.
This is not to say that every quiet person is a suspect or non-peaceful. But a matter of differentiating the two and knowing that there are clearly many differences between being quiet and peaceful.
It’s imperative to highlight these differences because you want to know which category you fall into and create active ways to cultivate and nurture peace in your life. As peace will bring you to a mental/ spiritual ecstasy to weaponize and push through life’s tough ordeals — because the truth is, life will hit you hard sometimes.
#mentalhealth, #peace #spirituality #life
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