A Simple Rule to Add to Your Wake-up Routine
It’s very common to hear that people have a ritual they undergo each day before they go to bed and after they wake up. These rituals often assist them in living a well-rounded, calculated life. Hence, improving them as a person inside-out. Some of these commonalities are often based on rules or mantras to abide by.
But a simple wake-up rule doesn’t always have to be about what we have to do or abide by each day. It can also incorporate what we DON’T intend to do.
So, if you usually wake up to sayings like today, I would like to run 100 miles, you should also be looking at other things you don’t want to do that will equally boost your living holistically.
This method of self-improvement has been severally mentioned. It clearly means that personal growth isn’t really always about what we do or intend to do, but also almost always about what we are intending dropping which is our bad habits.
So, each day you awake, ask yourself: what is the one thing I DON’T want to do today to improve my life? For example, I don’t want to entertain any gossip, I don’t want to put all my energy into … that doesn’t do me well, I don’t want to keep being on autopilot mode about — — — like I’ve been doing all this while.
If you can’t ask it, type it and paste it on the headboard or wall, set a reminder to remind you throughout the day, write it down in a journal or tell someone about it for accountability’s sake.
By not indulging in adverse unhealthy behaviors slated in your mind during each awakening, you truly stay woke. And that is a definition of someone who’s in charge of their life.
Thank you for taking the time to read.