Everyone deserves some sleep
A night without insomnia
Is a night filled with sleep
But what is a goodnight without sleep
It is a night with insomnia
A night with insomnia
Is with the mind full of grief
A mind full of grief
Comes with a face full of weep
A mind full of deeps
And dips…
Whether it is due to the day filled with steeps
Or the night with its creeps
With the mind & body active
Hence, a night without some sleep
But healing comes from identifying the heaps
That is, a peep into the griefs
The deeps
And the steeps, whatever it is
Followed by a chip
Then a clean sweep
Imperceptibly to a good sleep
With intentions to keep at it
Through stashing away the cheap
In the form of grief
The deeps
And the steeps, whatever it is
From creeping in
Therefore letting the soul settle in
The mind to remain still
Hence, the body to sleep in
And stay asleep
Away from the cheap version of sleep (insomnia)
Acclimatizing to a good night sleep
As everyone deserves some sleep
Or what do you think?