3 Solid Ways You Can Embrace Life Naturally
Life is simple if we accept it as it is and live accordingly. Complexity arises when we try to attach meanings to our experiences, situations, or feelings. While seeking meaning in life is natural, this pursuit can create disturbances in our daily lives.
Therefore, it is important to embrace life as it is and live fully.
The complexities of life will always exist, as life is naturally filled with ebbs and flows. However, by choosing to remain relaxed, we can experience life to its fullest.
Living life as it is — meaning in a relaxed state — includes simplicity.
A simple life is more than just existing; it involves embracing each day as it unfolds and avoiding unnecessary attachments or assertions about the events in our lives.
For example, we may be navigating a difficult phase and find ourselves in turmoil, trying to figure out how to move forward each day. This is not what we are expected to do when faced with dilemmas or unfavorable situations. Often, our efforts to alleviate these situations are futile because we struggle to let things play out naturally.
Living life as it is means choosing to be in a relaxed state.
Frenzies and panic attacks can harm our mental health. Even if we don’t actively seek stress, we may invite it indirectly by resisting relaxation. In a world where a lack of busyness is equated with a lack of productivity, fear of missing out can lead to unsettled emotions, disturbing our inner balance.
Life requires balance. There are times to act times to rest, times to worry, and times to let go. This equilibrium can only be attained if we recognize its importance.
To be relaxed, make a conscious choice to be so. Keep your mind clear and engage only in habits or hobbies that promote relaxation. Laugh, play, chat, meditate, listen to music — think without ruminating.
Living life as it is also involves gaining perspectives from our experiences and those of others.
Recently, I had a meaningful conversation with my little sister, who reminded me that “just being and not having a plan” is perfectly acceptable at times. She emphasized that simply living can be a strategy for navigating life’s challenges. This perspective resonated with her lifestyle and encouraged me to relax a bit more in my quest for answers.
Living life as it is becomes challenging when we compare ourselves to others. While emulating positive lives or having a mentor can foster growth, our life choices must stem from our instincts and values, not from how others live.
Maintaining a steady lifestyle comes from reflecting on how we’ve lived and how we want to continue, rather than how others think, feel, or live. Not everyone shares the same upbringing, morals, values, or beliefs that should dictate our desires to emulate them.
In short:
In today’s fast-paced world, the sense of peace, calm, and relaxation can be eroded by the constant pressure to keep up with trends.
What if I told you that life is not meant to be demonstrated or performed, but simply lived as it is?
Ultimately, what matters is the essence of our being shaped by our experiences, not the wealth we accumulate or other superficial pursuits. As my sister wisely pointed out, we should focus on creating memories with our loved ones and positively impacting those we encounter.
So, let’s embrace the journey and live life as it is.
Thank you for taking the time to read.