10 Signs of Life Transformation
Transformations in life are needful for us as human beings. Stagnancy cripples our mortal abilities and creativity. This makes it imperative that we make conscious efforts to enhance our way of living from time to time.
Transformation can occur mainly in two ways: dramatically or slowly. When it’s dramatic is when change creeps up on us and we see ourselves acting according to our intuitions without further thoughts (revolutionary?). Slow or calculated transformation is just as the name states. It requires pre-formed thoughts coming to actualization at a set time.
Inventing new aspects of our being often takes place in several areas of our life. It could be spiritually, physically, mentally, professionally, or emotionally and otherwise. It could occur in sets of two but don’t be marveled, as this must be something the body can handle any time it is right.
Be it as it may, transformation needs to happen in our lives as time goes on, and here are some of the signs you’re transforming already.
1.) You’re questioning your regular self
When you begin to question common things that used to happen in your life or you become uncomfortable with them, that’s a big sign that transformation is underway for you. This means that it’s time to either let go of your former self or shed several parts of them to transcend to where you are meant to be.
2.) You’re questioning everything and feel lost
In addition to the previous point above, when you begin to question everything such as your physical well-being, regular routines, and the inflections in your mental being, it’s obvious you’re ready to transform. The lostness isn’t real. There is an inner transformation taking place in you and causing you to rehash what was to replace with what will.
3.) You become sluggish
It’s confusing when to say, women are going through that time of the month and so they attribute all those signs of transformation as purely hormonal. Sluggishness is an ambivalent sign that transformation is about to occur. It’s a way of telling your body to slow down for you to pay close attention to what you’re about to undergo. Be it mentally, or physically as with the case of menstruation, for example. Sometimes you’ve got to slow down and not be mad at yourself for it. Even if it may seem like they’re for nothing. You’re dealing with a great force to come which requires a great deal of energy. To balance it out, a negative feedback mechanism occurs in the form of sluggishness.
4.) You become alert
Due to pre-formed thoughts, we’re bound to become alerted to certain things we usually don’t pay that sort of attention to. This is an internal transformation going on inside of you. It’s telling you to perceive, absorb or acknowledge some parts or areas that you might be missing all along. This sign is usually seen in people who have suffered from traumatic experiences in the past. As a result of those unpleasant events, their minds are geared toward detecting things that either please them or sorely displease them. Hence, eliciting a mental and/or emotional transformation of some sort.
5.) When you speak scantily
Transformations can make one speechless at times. Other times they make you speak scantily and give off one-word replies. Especially a simple Yes or No. Thus, when you find that you’re repeatedly using simple words to express yourself unlike before, it’s a sign of transformation. As your brain and mind could be signaling to you their potential benefits for the future. For example, when you need to reinforce boundaries.
6.) When you’re disinterested in things you normally enjoyed.
If you enjoy hanging out, at times when we backslide in our social activities or life, we apportion it to the quality of social skills. Transformation never depletes one’s core social abilities or others it can boost them. But due to several reasons, when new things want to happen in our lives, it makes us take a back seat from all or some of the things we used to enjoy such as a bubbly social life. Perhaps to enable us to focus on ourselves for what’s to come.
7.) When you want more
Sequel to the point above, when we’re about to undergo life transformation, we tend to want more of things we may initially neglect. It would seem like we have it all, whereas we realize at the point of transformation, that we’re lacking in fact. Lacking knowledge, growth, development, etc., in many aspects of our lives.
8.) Reshuffling the people in your life
Again, if you’ve once suffered traumatic events in the hands of a person or group of people you trusted, you might not instantly cut them off. This is usually due to fear of standing alone and getting criticized etc. However, when new inventions are about to take place in you, it equips you with the nudge to let go and reshuffle the people in your lives. At the same time, provides the stance for it to be bearable. Only at the appointed time.
9.) When we love what we hate and vice-versa
There’s a big reason why it’s not wise to use the word “never”. Things can change, people and circumstances change, and you transform alongside with them. This explains clearly how flipping on those shorts for leggings, more tea instead of cereal, and meditations over socializing propels you to transform.
10.) It’s all about what’s happening on the inside
Transformation may or may not be drastic in occurrence. But it helps to know that whatever it may be, a transformation that occurs from the inside (mind, brain, spirit, soul), as opposed to what you’re showing on the outside (bodily gestures) is more significant. These inner workings depict your true self such as your mindset, personality, and character.
Life evolution can be arduous if let. The more we get the nudge to evolve, the more we resist, because the human brain loves to be comfortable. In this case, we must understand that change is needed for us to excel in life, even if we’ve failed many times before.
Fail fast, fail forward, so that you can quickly embrace the transformation awaiting you. We have to understand that life will always give us what we need to deal with the new instances in our life as long as we’re ready to look inward first, and around afterward. We are not alone. Everyone needs somebody, and everybody undergoes some level of transformation in their life from time to time.
So, when you see somebody going through a hard time embracing or acknowledging theirs, be kind and gentle with them. This type of thing can take us unawares and spread sporadically through every fiber of bodies until we start to see ourselves act of character. When that happens, trust and believe in yourself that you’re aligning with your next level of self. And Good Luck too.
Thanks for taking the time to read.